Every Sunday, we share in Holy Communion, or as you’ll hear us say, “Holy-Common-Union.” Through this holy meal, we celebrate our unbreakable union with God and one another. 

While our worship is anchored in ancient Christian practices, we’re not stuffy about it. It’s okay if you don’t know what to do, or your kid cries, or you drop the bread into the wine. God loves you anyway, and so do we.

Read on to find out more about our worship services and what to expect. You can also flip through scenes of a typical Sunday morning in the slideshow below.


As our guest, we hope you feel the warm and welcome hospitality of Saint Michael’s. You’ll likely meet a member of the congregation at the door, who will greet you with a friendly hello and offer you a bulletin. We never single out newcomers or ask you to introduce yourself to the group.

About the service

Our worship is liturgical, meaning our service is planned out in advance and offers intentional rhythms of prayer, song, silence, and spoken words shared between the priest and the people, all as an offering to God. A worship bulletin will guide you through the service step by step, even if you’ve never been to an Episcopal church. The service typically lasts just over an hour. 

Who can receive Communion

We share in Holy Communion every week. Our Communion uses homemade bread and red wine, and everyone is welcome to receive Communion, no matter your church or denomination. Children are also welcome to receive Holy Communion. If you don’t want to receive, but would like to join the rest of the congregation at the altar rail when it is time to take Communion, simply cross your arms over your chest, and the communion minister will offer a prayer of blessing. Gluten-free wafers are available; simply let the clergy know at the railing.

Christ’s radical welcome at the table is also an invitation to baptism. If you are interested in learning more about the sacrament of baptism, please let the priest know. 

What do I wear

We are a pretty relaxed community — there’s no need for a dress, suit, jacket, or tie (unless you want to!). You’ll see people wearing jeans, shorts, khakis, button downs, polo shirts, and t-shirts. 

What about the kids

Children of all ages are welcome in our shared worship! Saint Michael’s is a hospitable community that fully embraces wiggly children and babies and all of the noises they produce. Activity sheets and colored pencils are available in the entry way (just ask an usher). There is also a “Little Liturgy” area on the front right with other age-appropriate worship aids for children. Learn more about our offerings for children.

After the service

Following the service, the priest greets people at the rear of the church. In addition, the community gathers for brunch and conversation outside on the patio or in the Gathering Place, located next to the worship space. All guests are welcome to join us; it is a great opportunity to get to know others!